Our Therapy Dog, Flynn
Flynn enjoying the bluebells.
We are very excited to introduce a new member of staff to the team at Thorney Close Primary School - Flynn, our certified therapy dog! Flynn is s a Miniature Labradoodle and was born on 18th May 2016.
Flynn as a puppy, not long after he was born.
Flynn is Mrs Jones's family dog.
Flynn and Mrs Jones enjoying a boat ride.
Flynn has undergone various assessments and checks with 'School for Dogs' to become a certified therapy/reading dog, and we are very proud to say he passed with flying colours.
Flynn on his assessment day with the assessment team from 'School of Dogs'.
Flynn will be located primarily in Mrs Jones office, where his bed will be, away from the classrooms and initially will be in school one or two days a week. He will be assessed daily before coming to school to ensure he is fit and well enough for the day ahead. If he is unwell, he will stay at home.
We hope you will join us in welcoming Flynn to Thorney Close Primary School, and embrace all that he has to offer the school.
Please click on the link below for updates on what Flynn has been up to.
Please note that our certified therapy dog is the only dog allowed on the school site. We politely ask that you ensure that you do not enter the site at any time with a dog.
The benefits of a school dog
School dogs have been proven to help develop pupils’ reading skills, improve behaviour, attendance and academic confidence, as well as increasing student understanding of responsibility and in the development of empathy and nurturing skills. We are confident that Flynn will be a beneficial addition to the pastoral support we offer here at Thorney Close Primary School.
Research into the effects of therapy dogs in schools shows a range of benefits including:
- Teaching empathy and appropriate interpersonal skills;
- Helping individuals develop social skills and increasing self-esteem;
- Soothing and calming effect;
- Improving a child’s ability to pick up on social cues which are imperative to human relationships;
- Supporting emotional regulation through the positive impact on the autonomic nervous system
- Increasing improved motivation for learning, resulting in improved outcomes;
- Supporting children with their social and emotional learning needs, which can also aid literacy development.
- Increasing school attendance;
- Improving confidence;
- Decreasing pupil anxiety resulting in improvements in learning, such as increasing reading and writing levels;
- Enhancing relationships with peers and teachers due to experiencing trust and unconditional positive interactions with a therapy dog;
- Helping children learn how to express their feelings and enter into more trusting relationships.
- Teaching responsibility and respect to all life
Please click on the link below to read The Guardian Article - 'The dogs who listen to children reading'.
The dogs who listen to children reading