Thorney Close Primary School

"Where Learning Blossoms..."

Attendance 20.9.24

Willow Class 95.8%
Beech Class 92.6%
Oak Class 93.8%
Poplar Class 97.7%
Fir Class 97.7%
Spruce Class 90%
Cedar  Class 85.2%
Sycamore Class 95%
Larch Class 97%
Hazel Class 92.4%

School attendance this week has fallen to 93.5%. Unfortunately, the first fixed penalty notice letters have been issued in accordance with City of Sunderland guidelines. This follows a national directive, which does not permit holidays during term time. Please also note that accumulating five days of unauthorised absences, even if spread over several weeks, within a 10-week period will also lead to a fixed penalty notice.

For more information about school attendance, please click on the links below.

Attendance Policy

Sunderland City Council - Penalty Notices - Code of Conduct

Fixed Penalty Notices for irregular attendance at school Important information for parents

DFE - Working together to improve attendance
