Late Procedure from Monday 3rd February 2025
School starts at 8.45am. Most of our children arrive happily on time for school every day and with nearly 300 pupils it’s important that this runs smoothly. Therefore, there will be new changes implemented from Monday 3rd February 2025.
The normal school entrance doors will be open until 8:55 am, then they will be closed.
- Registration is at 8.55 am at Thorney Close Primary School. Therefore, any child who arrives in class after 8.55 am will be registered as late while the Register is open ('L' code in the register).
- If you are late, you will need to go to the door on the bottom yard. This will be staffed by two members of non-teaching staff. This will be the only way you will be admitted in if you are late after 8.55am up to 9.15.am.
- Parents will need to accompany younger children to the late door. Only children from year five and six should be coming to the late alone, if parents have already given them written permission to walk to and from school alone.
- Your child’s name and the reason for lateness will be recorded.
- The registers are legally closed by the school office 30 minutes after the start of the school day. This means that any child who arrives late after the Register is closed at 9.15 am will be registered as an unauthorised absence ('U' code in the register). This counts as half a day’s absence.
- Please make sure you give yourselves plenty of time to travel and particularly park your car safely if you come by car.
If your child is going to be late due to an urgent medical appointment, please ensure that the office is informed and have seen proof of the medical appointment either before or after they have attended.
The preferred communication method with School is email as sometimes phone calls can be unclear when messages are left on the answering machine.
Please Email: parents@thorneycloseprimaryschool.co.uk
Telephone by 8.55 am 0191 5250808
ClassDojo should not be used to send messages to staff about your child’s absence. ClassDojo is only to be used for celebrating learning and general school information.