Thorney Close Primary School

"Where Learning Blossoms..."

Year 3 2022-2023

Computer Networks

We have been exploring computer networks in school and created our own small-scale network to represent the role of each piece of equipment in order to learn about how they're linked.


We had fun working with Louise Goult, a textiles artist, learning new sewing skills.

Physical and Human Landmarks

Over the past few weeks, we have spent some time finding out about some physical and human landmarks in the UK so to recap our learning, we sorted pictures of them into groups before locating them on maps!

Throwing an Catching

We have been throwing and catching in P.E. We enjoyed developing our individual skills before working together to play games in order to work on these further!


How do we get soil? This is the question Year 3 have been looking at in their Science lesson.  The children carefully observed some compost to see what they could discover. The children were amazed at the mini creatures they spotted that were busily working away to create lovely fresh compost to use in the garden.  Children then watched a time-lapse video showing the process over several months.   It has been fascinating to learn about the rocks and soil under our feet.

Mark Rothko

We have been applying our knowledge of colour mixing and painting in the style of Mark Rothko.

Click below to find out more information about Mark Rothko and to see some of his work.

Mark Rothko

Dictionary Detectives

We have been learning how to use a dictionary to find the meaning of words in English. We used the dictionary to support our understanding of new vocabulary in our class text.



We have been using tens frames to support our knowledge of partitioning and finding ways to make 10 to calculate efficiently.



We have been exploring emotions in PSHE this afternoon and enjoyed acting these out for our partner to guess.

Creating tints, tones and shade

In Art, we have been busy creating tints, tones and shade through mixing white, black and grey with a base colour. Look at our lovely work!

Automatic Recall of Number Bonds

We have been exploring different ways to add 3 addends together.  We have been using our automatic recall of number bonds and double facts to help us with this!

Coastline of the United Kingdom 

We have worked super hard to recognise the coastline of the United Kingdom and enjoyed putting the countries in the correct places and we used our knowledge to locate the U.K in atlases, world maps and on the globe.

First Week Back 

We have enjoyed our first week back in Year 3 and are almost fully settled back. We all worked really hard and it was lovely seeing all our friends again after the summer holiday.

We have been interested in the new topics in Year 3 especially History where we are starting to learn about the Stone Age and Science where we looked at some different rocks.  We thought they all looked really different and think they probably have different jobs.

